bed bugs on mattress
Get a Free Estimate for Bed Bug Control Services Now

Our expert bed bug control service in Baltimore offers free estimates and thorough, effective treatments to eliminate bed bugs and restore your peace of mind. Trust us to provide the best solutions for a bed bug-free home.

Family-and-Eco-Friendly Treatments
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Bug Bug Control in Baltimore

When bed bugs invade your home, a quick, effective treatment becomes a priority. Our team specializes in comprehensive bed bug control services tailored to meet the unique needs of Baltimore residents. With a commitment to quality and

 customer satisfaction, our experienced team provides efficient and effective solutions to eliminate bed bugs swiftly. As a trusted member of the Maryland Pest Control Association and the National Pest Management Association, we bring 40 years of expertise in residential, commercial, and industrial pest management to every job. Count on us to treat your home with the care and attention it deserves, ensuring a bed-bug-free environment with our proven methods.

Here's what you can expect from our team:

  • Same-Day Inspection: Rapid response and same-day inspections ensure timely action against bed bug infestations.
  • Family and Eco-Friendly Treatments: Our methods prioritize the safety of your family and pets while effectively eliminating bed bugs.
  • Experienced Team: With 40 years of expertise in pest management, our skilled professionals provide thorough and efficient bed bug control.

Don't let another sleepless night pass you by. Contact our team today and take the first step towards peaceful, bed-bug-free nights. Because when it comes to your family's comfort and safety, you deserve nothing but the best.

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Effective Bed Bug Treatments


Are you struggling to get rid of bed bugs and longing for a peaceful night's sleep? Look no further! Our expert bed bug exterminators in Baltimore are here to help with comprehensive and effective treatments.

Our treatment includes:

  • Targeted Insecticide Spray: Applied in cracks and crevices, behind baseboards, and along floor-wall and ceiling-wall junctions.
  • Precision Aerosol Treatment: Used in cracks and crevices and on mattresses, box springs, and other furniture to reach deep-seated bed bugs.
  • Insecticide Dust Application: Treats wall voids and electrical outlets, ensuring no place for bed bugs to hide. Note: Dust is not used in open areas to avoid air currents.

Trust our team to provide you with the best bed bug extermination service in Baltimore. Contact us today to get started!

Dangers of Bed Bug Infestations

Bed bug infestations are more than just an inconvenience—they pose several health and psychological risks. Here’s why it’s crucial to address bed bug problems promptly:

  • Allergic Reactions: Bed bug bites can cause severe allergic reactions in some individuals, ranging from mild itching and redness to severe anaphylactic reactions.
  • Secondary Infections: Scratching bed bug bites can lead to open wounds, increasing the risk of secondary skin infections such as impetigo and lymphangitis.
  • Sleep Deprivation: Constant biting and itching can disrupt sleep, leading to sleep deprivation and its associated health issues, including weakened immune function and cognitive impairment.
  • Loss of Property Value: Severe infestations can damage personal property and lower the value of your home, making it harder to sell if they are not thoroughly eradicated.

Addressing a bed bug infestation promptly with professional help is essential to reduce these risks. With our thorough and effective treatment plans, you can protect your health, peace of mind, and property value.

Get Started Today! Call us at 410-889-2525 or
Atlantic Pest Service Area Map Baltimore, MD

Areas We Service in Central Maryland

As a locally owned and operated company, we are deeply committed to providing our neighbors in Central Maryland with quality service. Our dedication stems from our roots in this community, driving us to deliver expert, personalized pest control solutions. We take pride in safeguarding the homes and businesses we cherish, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for all.

5 Star Review

The gentleman that came to our house was professional and very well educated on the termite traps . Thank you

susan walsh
Main Office
5 Star Review

Excellent work! Excellent service! Have hired Atlantic for many pest management issues over 25 years on our Baltimore City home. Always satisfied with work, service & price! I highly recommend Atlantic Pest Control!

Mary Anne Rishebarger
Main Office
5 Star Review

Atlantic Pest Control service tech was extremely professional and knowledgeable of the termite issue around my house. Highly recommend!!

Bruce Robertson
Main Office
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